Y5 have had a fun filled week!
On Tuesday we had an amazing day. Some children went with Miss Colleen to do some gardening for Wigan in bloom. Last year we won Wigan in bloom and are hoping to win it this year as well.
Also on Tuesday there was a triathlon. Six Year 5′s competed in the swimming, cycling and running. They all had a lot of fun and would like to compete again next year.
In addition to this while some people were gone on the triathlon a lady came in to do some science. It was amazing we used a pringle tub to make one of the things, also at the end some writing was meant to set on fire and there was something that was meant to make a big bang, but sadly it didn’t work.
As well on Tuesday 2 boys and 2 girls went to a science competition at Bolton School, they did really well.
wow u had a lot of fun