All posts by Miss Ratchford

Music alive!

Today we have all been mesmerised by the musicians who came into school to play us some live music.

We learned about the string family and some of the different instruments. The violin plays the highest notes, then the viola, then the cello, which plays deeper notes and deeper still is the double bass.

We have been offered an amazing opportunity to learn how to play the double bass (for free) at Deanery High School on Thursday nights next term!

I hope you take up this amazing opportunity Year 5!Music alive assembley 001


We have been learning Mandarin this year with Mrs Tang. All of Year 5 have really enjoyed learning about the history and culture and singing some of the traditional songs (with actions.)

Mandarin 001

We are very sad that it has now finished and we have to wait until Year 6 to have Mrs Tang again.

We especially enjoyed the eagle game and stand up, sit down. I hope you can remember how to say them Year 5!

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Thank You Mrs Tang for teaching us!


Our Buddies!

Yesterday, Year 5 were so excited, they found out who their new Reception buddies will be next year. To welcome them into our school we made them a card to tell them a little bit about Woodfield and how much we are looking forward to meeting them!

Unfortunately the pictures are too large to upload. But I am sure if you ask the children, they will tell you all about what they did.

Papa Luigi’s Visit

Today Year 5 had lots of fun making their own pizza at Papa Luigi’s restaurant. This week I think our star reporters will want to tell you a little more about our visit!

Special thanks to Mrs Kyle for coming down with us and helping us out.


Year 5 Papa Luigi's visit 007

Welcome to Year 5!

Hello and welcome to our Year 5 blogging page.

Each week we will keep you up to date with everything we have been getting up to. If you would like to add a comment about what we have been up to that would be great.

Stay tuned and we will be posting some pictures and information.

Miss Ratchford.