Papa Luigi’s

On Wednesday 13th May Year 5 had an exciting visit to Papa Luigi’s where they made delicious pizzas!

There were lots of toppings to choose from such as: ham, peperoni, pinnapple and chicken.The chefs showed the class how to spread the dough and sprinkle the cheese.

Keep calm      and  eat pizza
Keep calm
eat pizza


Whilst some groups were making or eating their pizzas, the others enjoyed colouring and wearing their own chef hats. Towards the end of the visit everybody got the chance to try their giant pizzas(they were lovely.)13th May Papa Luigi's 015

After, when everyone came back, hardly anyone felt like eating their lunch!However some people such as Leo, who piled his pizza high, managed to eat the whole pizza plus ALL of his lunch too!:D

We thought that the trip was really exciting and fun for all of the class!!!

This weeks Star Reporters are James J and Abigail!

10 thoughts on “Papa Luigi’s”

  1. I am glad you enjoyed your trip to Papa Luigi’s Year 5, Year 3 really enjoyed it when they went too. Your pizzas looked delicious and thank you for bringing one back for the teachers too!

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